measuring jack themes technologies tooltips linux measuring jack themes technologies tooltip linux limejack claim limejack limejack

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LimeJACK uses only free software. The specific license model can be found in the software documentation.

All software provided by LimeJACK is free software within the meaning of the GPL.


The dokuwiki template is based on Round Theme by Jan-Hendrik Bade.

He wrote on 2013-07-27:


Sie können das Template gerne verwenden. Ich würde dann gerne einen Link zu der Seite bekommen um das ganze dann mal live zu sehen.

Jan-Hendrik Bade

Thank you very much!

John Amann produce the LimeJACK image.

He wrote us on 2011-02-01:


Feel free to use the lime jack image for anything you would like, I'd be
happy to see it put to use for any reason. What project are you using it

Thanks for contacting me,

John Amann

Thank you very much!

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