Acoustic Velocity over the Temperature
set terminal dumb
unset key;
set zeroaxis;
set title "Acoustic Velocity over the Temperature";
set xlabel "Temperature [°C]"
set ylabel "acoustic velocity [m/s]"
set xrange [-20:40]
plot 331.5*sqrt(1+x/273.15) w lines,331.5 lt 0;
Acoustic Velocity over the Temperature
355 +---------------------------------------------+
| + | + + + **** |
350 |-+ | *** +-|
| | **** |
345 |-+ | **** +-|
| | **** |
340 |-+ | **** +-|
| | **** |
335 |-+ | **** +-|
| | **** |
330 |-+ *** | +-|
| **** | |
325 |-+ **** | +-|
| **** | |
320 |** | +-|
| + | + + + |
315 +---------------------------------------------+
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Temperature [°C]
rel. Differences
set terminal dumb
unset key;
set xzeroaxis 20;
set title "Relation of the Acoustic Velocity over the Temperature";
set xlabel "Temperature [°C]";
set ylabel "rel. Acoustic Velocity [%]";
set xrange [-20:40];
plot sqrt(1+x/273.15)/sqrt(1+20/273.15)*100 w lines,100 lt 0;
Relation of the Acoustic Velocity over the Temperature
104 +------------------------------------------+
| + | + + + **|
| | **** |
102 |-+ | **** +-|
| | **** |
| | *** |
100 |++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
| | **** |
98 |-+ | **** +-|
| | *** |
| |*** |
96 |-+ *** +-|
| *** | |
| **** | |
94 |-+**** | +-|
|*** | |
| + | + + + |
92 +------------------------------------------+
-20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Temperature [°C]