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tcpserver - multiple TCP connections


  • install package ucspi-tcp
  • start tcpserver <host> <port> <prog>

The tool tcpserver listen on host's (ip given) port. if a connections comes in tcpserver start the programm <prog> which can be a bash script.

Set <host> to 0 the tool tcpserver listen on all IPs.

The tool tcpserver can handel as default 40 connections simultaneously.

We test the connections with nc. All works fine. The tool tcpserver can replace nc -l -p <port> but the programm <prog> should handle semaphores.

UCSPI is a acronym for UNIX Client-Server Program Interface.

MQTT server

Nice concept but to complex for LimeJACKs simple server maxime.


Its like tcpserver with ssl. The compile process stop with multiple errors.

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