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Mosquitto MQTT message broker

Modify /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf:

##### Port #####
bind_address <address>
bind_interface <device>
listener <port>
socket_domain ipv4

##### Bridge #####
connection bridge-01
address   <address>:<port>

topic # out 0
topic # in 0

remote_username <username>
remote_password <password>

bridge_identity <identity>
bridge_psk <psk>

##### Pid ######
pid_file /var/run/

##### persitence #####
persistence true
persistence_location /dev/null

##### access #####
allow_anonymous false
acl_file /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.acl
password_file /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.pwd
psk_hint <hint>
psk_file /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.psk

##### logs ####
log_dest file /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log

##### includes #####
include_dir /etc/mosquitto/conf.d

##### no sys #####
sys_interval 0

Create the file /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.acl:

user <username>
topic foo/bar
##pattern readwrite #

Create /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.psk


Please note, that you create a long random PSK as a number.

Run command mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.pwd <user> as root.

Restart server by systemctl restart mosquitto.

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